FLO Learning Library

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Learning Library - Carousel

Interviews, tips, guides, industry best practices, and news.
Office setting
Career Engagement
20 minute lesson

UX review presentations

How do you create compelling presentations that wow your colleagues and impress your managers?
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Man working at desk
10 minute lesson

Migrating to Linear 101

Linear helps streamline software projects, sprints, tasks, and bug tracking. Here’s how to get started.
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Man pinning images on wall
Clinical Observations
5 minute lesson

Building your API Stack

The rise of RESTful APIs has been met by a rise in tools for creating, testing, and managing them.
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8 min read

PM mental models

Mental models are simple expressions of complex processes or relationships.
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Desk with computer
8 min read

Our top 10 Javascript frameworks to use

JavaScript frameworks make development easy with extensive features and functionalities.
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Latest lessons

Learning Library - Carousel & Accordion Example

Check out the latest lessons available on FLO
Career Engagement
20 minute lesson

Intro to Health and Social Care

Experience several core roles across the health and social care, and discover potential career paths.
Read post
10 minute lesson

Intro to IPC

Learn about the importance of infection, prevention, and control across healthcare settings.
20 minute lesson

Hand Hygiene

A guided lesson on the standard hand hygiene techniques, and why hand hygiene is important.
15 minute lesson


Watch, learn, and practice donning and doffing different items of PPE.
10 minute lesson

Occupational Exposure

Experience and learn how to respond to a sharps injury, and an eye splash incident.
10 minute lesson

Resident Placement

Assess different residents for potential infections, place them in source isolation, and monitor their recovery.
15 minute lesson

Blood and Body Fluid Spillages

Learn about different types of spills that can occur in care settings, and respond to a blood spill incident.
20 minute lesson

Environment Management

A guided lesson on the standard hand hygiene techniques, and why hand hygiene is important.
20 minute lesson

Equipment Management

A guided lesson on the standard hand hygiene techniques, and why hand hygiene is important.
20 minute lesson

Waste Disposal

A guided lesson on the standard hand hygiene techniques, and why hand hygiene is important.
20 minute lesson

Linen Management

A guided lesson on the standard hand hygiene techniques, and why hand hygiene is important.

The FLO Learning Library

Take a look at the lessons available now on FLO, and get a glimpse at our upcoming content
20 minute experience

Introduction to Health and Social Care

Experience several core roles across the health and social care sector, and discover potential career paths.
10 minute lesson

Introduction to Infection Prevention and Control

Learn about the importance of infection, prevention, and control across healthcare settings.
15 minute lesson

Hand Hygiene

A guided lesson on the standard hand hygiene techniques, and why hand hygiene is important.
15 minute lesson

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

Watch and learn our Senior Care Nurse, Emily, don and doff PPE before practicing it yourself.
10 minute lesson

Occupational Exposure

Experience and learn how to respond to a sharps injury, and an eye splash incident.
10 minute lesson

Resident Placement

Assess different residents for potential infections, place them in source isolation, and monitor their recovery.
15 minute lesson

Blood and Bodily Fluid Spillages

Learn about different types of spills that can occur in care settings, and respond to a blood spill incident.
20 minute lesson

Environment Management

A guided lesson on how to prepare for, manage and record a large liquid spill incident in a care setting.
10 minute lesson

Equipment Management

Explore how to keep care equipment clean, functional, and safe by assessing infection risks, decontaminating, and showing proof of decontamination.
15 minute lesson

Waste Disposal

Learn how to identify and categorise waste generated as a result of health and social care activities.
10 minute lesson

Linen Management

Discover how to perform safe and consistent practice in the management of linen at the point of care.
10 minute lesson

Introduction to Clinical Observations and Measuring Oxygen Saturation

Gain a full understanding of oxygen saturation levels, their limitations and how to take readings and record them on a NEWS2 chart.
10 minute lesson

Understanding Respiration Levels

Learn about respiration levels and any medication or conditions that may affect a person's level of respiration.
10 minute lesson

Perfecting Pulse Readings

Discover the difference between regular and irregular pulse rate and best practice for obtaining and recording these readings.
10 minute lesson

Blood Pressure Basics

Explore how to recognise high, low and normal blood pressure readings, systolic and diastolic pressure & how these are recorded.
10 minute lesson

Assessing Alertness

Learn how to identify someone's level of alertness and what to do if they show signs of delerium.
10 minute lesson

Accurate Temperature Recording

A guided lesson on reading and recording someone's temperature and what factors could affect this reading.
Our Library

Let's take a deeper look at the lessons available in FLO

Select an item to see full details about one of our lessons

Introduction to Health and Social Care

About this Simulation

An immersive experience to provide insight and an understanding of some of the roles and responsibilities within health and social care, focusing on the journey of a resident who experiences a fall and head injury. Learners will step into the shoes of various health and social care professionals, including a care assistant, emergency call handler, emergency care assistant, healthcare support worker, pharmacy assistant, and registered nurse.

Learning Objectives

Understand the roles and responsibilities of various health and social care professionals in responding to medical emergencies and providing comprehensive care.

Develop critical thinking and decision-making skills in assessing and managing emergency situations, including the identification of vital signs and appropriate response measures.

Enhance communication and teamwork skills in collaborating with other members of the health and social care team and coordinating care for residents.

Gain practical experience in performing health and social care tasks such as wound care, medication preparation, and administration under simulated conditions.

Foster empathy and professionalism in interacting with residents and providing compassionate care that prioritises their well-being and dignity.

About this Simulation

Career Exploration
20 mins

Related Qualifications

T-Level Health

SVQ Health Care Level 3

Care Certificate

Introduction to IPC

About this Simulation

The Introduction to Infection, Prevention and Control lesson provides the learner with a comprehensive understanding of Healthcare Associated Infections (HAI’s), The Chain of Infection, how to break the chain of infection and how to identify the risks of not observing correct IPC practices. 

Learning Objectives

Define a Healthcare Associated Infection.

Describe the consequences of infections to the person receiving care and the person providing care.

Describe the importance in preventing and controlling infections.

Identify and access the correct resources to get the support you need to prevent and control infections.

Explain how micro-organisms spread using the chain of infection model.

Recognise risk factors for infections.

Identify actions to break the chain of infection.

About this Simulation

Further Education
Higher Education
Workplace Skills
10 mins
Source (s):
National Infection Prevention and Control Manual (NIPCM)

Related Qualifications

T-Level Health

SVQ Health Care Level 3

Care Certificate

Hand Hygiene

About this Simulation

This Hand hygiene lesson provides the learner with information on how to prevent the spread of infection using the correct products and techniques of hand hygiene, identify when to use hand hygiene and how to take care of their hands to minimise the risk of infection.

Learning Objectives

Describe the role of hand hygiene in preventing the spread of infection.

Select the correct product and the appropriate hand hygiene method.

Perform the correct method and procedures for hand washing and applying alcohol-based hand rubs.

Identify when they need to perform hand hygiene.

Take care of their hands to minimise the risk of infection.

Identify and report areas of concern relating to hand hygiene appropriately.

About this Simulation

Further Education
Higher Education
Workplace Skills
15 mins
Source (s):
National Infection Prevention and Control Manual (NIPCM)

Related Qualifications

T-Level Health

SVQ Health Care Level 3

Care Certificate

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

About this Simulation

In the Personal Protective Equipment lesson, the learner will acquire the skills and knowledge needed to choose, don and doff the correct PPE, apply them in the correct situations and understand when to report issue or raise concerns over the use, supply or quality of PPE in their place of work. 

Learning Objectives

Understand the importance and correct use of PPE.

Choose the appropriate and correct PPE for specific tasks.

Donning and Doffing PPE correctly.

Discard PPE correctly.

Identify and report issues or raise concerns with the use, supply, or quality of PPE where you work.

About this Simulation

Further Education
Higher Education
Workplace Skills
15 mins
Source (s):
National Infection Prevention and Control Manual (NIPCM)

Related Qualifications

T-Level Health

SVQ Health Care Level 3

Care Certificate

Occupational Exposure

About this Simulation

The Occupational Exposure lesson teaches learners how to recognise the risks of occupational exposure, how to prevent and minimise occupational exposure by manging potential hazards and how to take appropriate action when an occupational exposure incident occurs. 

Learning Objectives

Recognise risks of occupational exposure to blood or body fluids.

Take actions to prevent and minimise the risks by avoiding and managing potential hazards including the safe management of sharps.

Take appropriate action in the event of an occupational exposure incident.

About this Simulation

Further Education
Higher Education
Workplace Skills
10 mins
Source (s):
National Infection Prevention and Control Manual (NIPCM)

Related Qualifications

T-Level Health

SVQ Health Care Level 3

Care Certificate

Resident Placement

About this Simulation

Resident Placement is designed to give learners the knowledge and skills needed to ensure the safety and well-being of residents in residential care, how to identify infections risks that may cause harm to other residents and how to take actions to influence resident placement.

Learning Objectives

Identify infection risks that may cause harm to others.

Assess risks and review risk assessments.

Communicate risks to those providing care and others.

Take actions to influence resident placement.

About this Simulation

Further Education
Higher Education
Workplace Skills
10 mins
Source (s):
National Infection Prevention and Control Manual (NIPCM)

Related Qualifications

T-Level Health

SVQ Health Care Level 3

Care Certificate

Blood and Bodily Fluid Spillages

About this Simulation

Blood and Bodily fluids has been designed to equip the learner with the necessary skills to correctly apply the National Infection Prevention and Control Manual (NIPCM) Management of blood and body fluid spillages.

Learning Objectives

Carry out a risk assessment to minimise the risk of blood and body fluid spillages.

Correctly apply the National Infection Prevention and Control Manual (NIPCM) Management of blood and body fluid spillages flow chart to safely:

Manage blood and other body fluid spillages.

Discard used equipment after use.

About this Simulation

Further Education
Higher Education
Workplace Skills
15 mins
Source (s):
National Infection Prevention and Control Manual (NIPCM)

Related Qualifications

T-Level Health

SVQ Health Care Level 3

Care Certificate

Environment Management

About this Simulation

This Environment Management lesson aims to give the learner the knowledge and skills to ensure that the care environment is safe for practice. This includes routine environmental cleanliness and maintenance, selection, use and correct storage of cleaning equipment and materials and how to take action where there is concern over environmental cleanliness.

Learning Objectives

Identify what is meant by the term Care Environment.

Prepare themselves and the environment for routine cleaning.

Select, correctly use, dispose of and store cleaning equipment and materials.

Clean at appropriate times and evidence that cleaning schedules are followed.

Take action where there is concern over environmental cleanliness.

About this Simulation

Further Education
Higher Education
Workplace Skills
20 mins
Source (s):
National Infection Prevention and Control Manual (NIPCM)

Related Qualifications

T-Level Health

SVQ Health Care Level 3

Care Certificate

Equipment Management

About this Simulation

The aim of this Equipment Management lesson is to enable the learner can make sure that all care equipment is clean, fit for purpose and in a good state of repair. The learner will assess infections risks associated with care equipment, take actions to decontaminate equipment and be able to show evidence equipment has been decontaminated.

Learning Objectives

Assess infection risks associated with care equipment.

Identify when equipment needs to be decontaminated.

Take action to decontaminate equipment.

Show evidence that equipment is decontaminated.

Escalate any concerns you have regarding equipment safety.

About this Simulation

Further Education
Higher Education
Workplace Skills
10 mins
Source (s):
National Infection Prevention and Control Manual (NIPCM)

Related Qualifications

T-Level Health

SVQ Health Care Level 3

Care Certificate

Waste Disposal

About this Simulation

This Waste Disposal lesson has been designed to give the learner the skills and knowledge needed to identify and categorise waste generated as a result of health and social care activities. 

Learning Objectives

Identify the correct categories of waste and use the right waste streams to safely dispose of waste.

Handle, bag and tag waste correctly for disposal.

Take appropriate action to safely manage waste management issues.

About this Simulation

Further Education
Higher Education
Workplace Skills
15 mins
Source (s):
National Infection Prevention and Control Manual (NIPCM)

Related Qualifications

T-Level Health

SVQ Health Care Level 3

Care Certificate

Linen Management

About this Simulation

The Linen Management lesson will equip learners with the knowledge and skills needed to perform safe and consistent practice in the management of linen at the point of care.

Learning Objectives

Safely categorise and segregate linen.

Safely handle, label and securely store used and infectious linen.

Minimise the risk of contaminating clean linen.

Advise others on how to wash clothes (including staff uniforms) in domestic type laundry facilities.

Take actions to correct or report areas of concern.

About this Simulation

Further Education
Higher Education
Workplace Skills
10 mins
Source (s):
National Infection Prevention and Control Manual (NIPCM)

Related Qualifications

T-Level Health

SVQ Health Care Level 3

Care Certificate

Introduction to Clinical Observations and Measuring Oxygen Saturation

About this Simulation

In this Introduction to Clinical Observations and Oxygen Saturation lesson the learner will be taught how to interact with objects in VR before progressing onto Oxygen Saturation. The Learner will gain a comprehensive understanding of the levels of oxygen saturation and any conditions and limitations that affect levels. The learner will be guided through the correct procedure for taking an oxygen saturation reading before completing for themselves and recording on the NEWS2 chart. 

Learning Objectives

Effectively demonstrate proficiency in using pulse oximeters to measure oxygen saturation accurately.

Be able to identify factors that can affect oxygen saturation readings and methods to mitigate them.

Interpret oxygen saturation readings within the context of the patient's overall condition and medical history.

About this Simulation

Further Education
Higher Education
Workplace Skills
10 mins
Source (s):
Healthcare Support Worker's (HCSWs) Induction Standards

Related Qualifications

T-Level Health

SVQ Health Care Level 3

Care Certificate

Understanding Respiration Levels

About this Simulation

The Respiration lesson provides the learner with information on the levels of respiration and any medication or conditions that may affect levels. The learner will be demoed how to take and record a respiration reading correctly.

Learning Objectives

Correctly observe and count respiratory rate, accounting for variations in breathing patterns and respiratory distress.

Assess the depth, rhythm, and effort of breathing to detect abnormalities such as COPD and overuse of medication.

Understand how to listen for abnormal breath sounds such as wheezing, crackles, or diminished breath sounds, and their clinical implications.

About this Simulation

Further Education
Higher Education
Workplace Skills
10 mins
Source (s):
Healthcare Support Worker's (HCSWs) Induction Standards

Related Qualifications

T-Level Health

SVQ Health Care Level 3

Care Certificate

Perfecting Pulse Readings

About this Simulation

The aim of the Pulse lesson is for the learner to acquire the skills and knowledge needed to choose, determine whether a pulse rate in normal or irregular, the correct placement and technique to take a reading and how to record using NEWS2.

Learning Objectives

Effectively interpret pulse characteristics to identify irregularities such as atrial fibrillation.

Demonstrate proficiency in assessing pulse rate, rhythm, and quality using palpation techniques at radial pulse point.

Correctly interpret pulse findings in the context of the patient's overall clinical presentation, medical history, and current condition.

About this Simulation

Further Education
Higher Education
Workplace Skills
10 mins
Source (s):
Healthcare Support Worker's (HCSWs) Induction Standards

Related Qualifications

T-Level Health

SVQ Health Care Level 3

Care Certificate

Blood Pressure Basics

About this Simulation

The Blood Pressure lesson teaches learners how to recognise high, low and normal blood pressure readings and explains in detail systolic and diastolic pressure. The learner will develop correct skills for taking digital blood pressure reading and recording results in the NEWS2.

Learning Objectives

Accurately measure blood pressure using appropriate techniques, including automated devices.

Understand blood pressure readings and their significance in assessing cardiovascular health and perfusion.

Identify factors that can affect blood pressure measurements, such as patient position, cuff size, and emotional state.

Ensure accuracy in cuff placement, inflation, and deflation to obtain reliable blood pressure readings.

Interpret systolic and diastolic blood pressure readings within the context of the patient's age, medical history, and clinical condition.

About this Simulation

Further Education
Higher Education
Workplace Skills
10 mins
Source (s):
Healthcare Support Worker's (HCSWs) Induction Standards

Related Qualifications

T-Level Health

SVQ Health Care Level 3

Care Certificate

Assessing Alertness

About this Simulation

The Level of Alertness lesson will equip the learner with the knowledge and skills required to be able to identify a patient's level of alertness and what to do if a patient is showing signs of delirium. 

Learning Objectives

Assess the patient's level of consciousness and alertness using standardised ACVPU (Alert, Confusion, Voice, Pain, Unresponsive) scales and observation techniques. 

Interpret changes in alertness or responsiveness as potential indicators of neurological impairment or illness.

About this Simulation

Further Education
Higher Education
Workplace Skills
10 mins
Source (s):
Healthcare Support Worker's (HCSWs) Induction Standards

Related Qualifications

T-Level Health

SVQ Health Care Level 3

Care Certificate

Accurate Temperature Recording

About this Simulation

This Temperature lesson has been designed to equip the learner with the necessary skills to correctly record a patient's temperature and determine if it is high or low and what factors could be affecting it. 

Learning Objectives

Be able to use various temperature measurement devices (e.g., thermometers) correctly to assess body temperature.

Correctly interpret temperature readings within the context of the patient's condition and environmental factors.

Be able to recognise signs of hyperthermia, hypothermia, and fever.

About this Simulation

Further Education
Higher Education
Workplace Skills
10 mins
Source (s):
Healthcare Support Worker's (HCSWs) Induction Standards

Related Qualifications

T-Level Health

SVQ Health Care Level 3

Care Certificate

Introduction to Personal Care

About this Simulation

The Introduction to Personal Care lesson equips the learner with foundational knowledge about delivering safe and effective personal care to those in their care. Gain an understanding of the importance of gaining consent, providing privacy and ensuring dignity during sensitive care procedures, and correctly assess someone's capabilities to preserve their independence.

Learning Objectives

Be able to gain consent from those in your care.

Create a dignified and private personal care environment.

Check and understand medical records, and assess capability.

About this Simulation

Further Education
Higher Education
Workplace Skills
10 mins
Source (s):
Healthcare Support Worker's (HCSWs) Induction Standards

Related Qualifications

T-Level Health

SVQ Health Care Level 3

Care Certificate

Assisting to Wash

About this Simulation

This Assisting to Wash lesson teaches learners about caring all aspects of someone's hygiene. You will practice and learn about cleaning around the eyes, assessing eye recovery after infections, washing those who cannot wash themselves, safe and correct shaving techniques, and washing hair.

Learning Objectives

Correctly wash around eyes and inspect eyes after infection or surgery.

Be able to safely and effectively wash someone.

Practical techniques for facial and head hair care.

About this Simulation

Further Education
Higher Education
Workplace Skills
20 mins
Source (s):
Healthcare Support Worker's (HCSWs) Induction Standards

Related Qualifications

T-Level Health

SVQ Health Care Level 3

Care Certificate

Dental Care

About this Simulation

The Dental Care lesson equips the learner with the necessary skills to clean, maintain, and inspect someone's teeth or dentures. Learners will gain an understanding of what products are suitable for those with different conditions that can impact their oral health.

Learning Objectives

Interpret someone's medical records or conditions to correctly determine appropriate care products.

Be able to clean, maintain, and inspect teeth and dentures.

Gain a practical understanding of dental hygiene techniques for both teeth and dentures.

About this Simulation

Further Education
Higher Education
Workplace Skills
10 mins
Source (s):
Healthcare Support Worker's (HCSWs) Induction Standards

Related Qualifications

T-Level Health

SVQ Health Care Level 3

Care Certificate

Hand, Foot, and Nail Care

About this Simulation

The Hand, Foot, and Nail Care lesson focuses on practicing safe and effective cleaning and maintenance of nails on the hand and feet. Learners will also experience inspecting the hands and feet for cracks, cuts, or other conditions that may require treatment.

Learning Objectives

Be able to carry out appropriate methods for cutting and filing nails.

Correctly interpret potential skin conditions on the hand and feet.

Identify signs of poor circulation.

About this Simulation

Further Education
Higher Education
Workplace Skills
15 mins
Source (s):
Healthcare Support Worker's (HCSWs) Induction Standards

Related Qualifications

T-Level Health

SVQ Health Care Level 3

Care Certificate

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